Tuesday, 30 September 2008

First Day - Tuesday 23rd September 2008

The first day at Uni wasn't exactly my first time there but it was the first time I had met my actual tutor and the other students on my course. I should explain that I am doing Extended Science. This is a 4 year degree, 1 year of intensive Science catch-up followed by the normal 3 year degree. I have chosen Environmental Biology to progress onto after Extended Science.
We all piled into the lecture theatre, (170 of us) and Dr David Harwood our main tutor for the year and a chemistry tutor came in and talked forever!
He discussed all the boring stuff we needed to know, timetables, student handbook, blah blah much of the same things I had been told at the Mature Students Day but most of the other students had not heard.
I began to get very concerned that his voice was a little dull and the scheduled lectures are very long. The lecture seemed to go on forever and ever. It was in reality only 2 hours but with no break it was a bit of a shock to the system!
After this lecture we were dismissed. I fled the building as I was very overwhelmed. Outside, after smoking a calming cigarette I noticed a sign that said 'Free Tea and Coffee' with an arrow pointing to the church so off I went. Inside I climbed the stone steps and was greeted by a really lovely friendly guy called David. He is the church Chaplain and he made me a cup of tea.
It was really nice to actually talk to someone. I had had this strange feeling beforehand in the lecture of being lonely and claustrophobic. Strange when with so many people to feel lonely, I know but it can be very isolating when you know noone. I had forgotten what it was like to actually talk.
I stayed in the church until I felt better and then had my meeting with Dissability Assist. I had to fill in forms for extra funding and discuss how Uni was going so far. I was congratulated for not fleeing home and staying on campus at the church which cheered me up and made me feel like less of a failure. I realised I had infact stayed for the entire lecture and only freaked out after it and not gone home. This is progress! I felt better after this meeting.
At lunch time, Katie came in to visit and to see if she could sign up for a course in primary education teaching. Unfortunately since she had left it a bit late in the year to join, there were no places left on the course of her choice but she is on a list of people to enrol for next year and will be called in for meetings in the year.
Since she was on campus we decided to make the most of it. The church was hosting a talk with free lunch so we went along to the hall to join in. We had a great buffet lunch, pasties, sausage rolls, chicken drumsticks, crisps etc followed by a not so great talk. Many people left after the lunch and many more left as Jesus was mentioned. Katie had to leave after the talk to get back to Sam as Saleh would be leaving for work.
I walked with Katie into town then we went to her place for the evening. All in all a good day!

Mature Students Welcome Day - Friday 19th September 2008

Welcome to my new blog! I thought I would create a place to share my experiences with the people I love and to have an archive to look back on in the future.

First of all in the morning on my first day I had a meeting in a small room which was arranged by Dissability Assist. I was incredibly nervous on the bus, walking through town and arriving, the campus is so huge and there are so many thousands of students. I was determined not to let that stop me.
This meeting was arranged to discuss with me any special needs I may have and anything that would help me to not feel so nervous. All of my tutors from each subject were there which was so helpful and reasurring. I explained about my agoraphobia and anxiety and they were all very sympathetic and understanding.
As I have these health issues it was agreed that I would get some extra help, I also have a meeting with Nicola Dyer, an advisor from Dissability Assist next week. Roy Lowry a chemistry tutor, offered to take me on a tour of the campus and show me all of my classrooms to help my anxiousness in new places. We agreed that it would be an easier transition if I only had to worry about the new people and not the places aswell.
I was attending a 'Mature Students Induction Day' after the meeting which included meeting my other tutors and a buffet lunch. Everyone else looked as nervous as I was and that made me feel better. Roy Lowry took me into my classroom which was really helpful. I'm not sure I could have walked in late on my own. It was a beautiful classroom which is in the new Roland Levinsky Building on floor 6 overlooking the city centre.
We all had to write our fears, expectations and hopes seperately on little 'Post-it' notes which were then put onto a board at the front of the classroom. It was surprising how many people had written the same things. We then all discussed the results. There were things like 'I hope to pass' and 'I hope to fit in'.
A photographer came in then to take pics for next years perspective, which was a little scarey. Then it was lunch time, we all tramped down to The Portland Square Building, to Atrium A where a fabulous buffet lunch was displayed. We had wraps filled with shrimp and crab meat, salads, fruit, crisps, dips and loads more that I can't remember.
After lunch we had various tutors and lecturers from all different faculties in to talk on their subjects. Things like the guy from Dissability Assist told us where to find information and apply for grants, loans etc, the Student Union President was there to tell us what's on offer at the SU, tutors from Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Extended Science and the Nursing school were all there.
At the end of the talks I got my personal tour of all of my classrooms for the coming year with Roy Lowry. I got on very well with him and by the end of the tour wasn't feeling nervous about being in the university at all even though it is so big and daunting. I am looking forward to next week.