Ok I know it's been over a month since I wrote anything and I keep promising to write more often but the truth is I've had nothing very exciting to write about. I mean no drama or major excitement. I've had a few weeks off for Easter but I've been so skint that I haven't been doing much with my time, hanging around the house, sat on facebook etc. Been a little depressed and had a few days of being very ill of late. Lack of money is limiting.
I've been growing some cool plants in my kitchen, in the background is the state of the building site which is my street now. They are building houses opposite my block and it is so noisy. I can hardly hear my tv half of the time. They start early every morning but they are gone by 4pm. I've got runner beans, Parsley, Basil, tomatoes, red, yellow and green peppers (I hope) and some flowers, wild and common. Fingers crossed for good growth. Mum and I will be getting on with the allotement some time soon with Pat. Noone's been up there this year yet, we've been lazy. :-)

I've been to some cool places with mum over the Easter though, especially on Easter sunday when we went to Devils Point with Vicky. Mum used to take me, Kev and Katie there when we were young, we practically lived there in summer holidays and we've all taken the kids there a lot too. Great free pool, cafe and toilets in one place only ten minutes from where mum and I live too.

I've been to the park a few times with Katie and Sam too, he doesn't seem to like other kids much at all but we all have had a blast. He giggles his head off on the swings it's so cute. He's proper fearless and flings himself on everything so we have to block places he can fall and chase him constantly he's a hand full of fun. Runs like lightning, so fast!!!

The cats are getting on great now like nothing ever happened. They sleep together all the time and play like brothers so that makes me less stressed at home now.

Our vicar Roger has left for new pastures which is sad for us but great for him as he will be closer to his childrens universities and his extended families. We had a wonderful day on his last church Dartmoor trip. It was a beautiful day and a lot of fun.

I haven't been into uni once since we broke up and while I really miss everyone especially everyone in the chaplaincy I have really not had the money for the bus. I've actually enjoyed having a complete break from the whole experience and being back in holiday mode in the sun has been lovely. I'm going to miss the fresh air again next week when I go back and the lack of responsibility has been bliss.
I won't be able to go to America as planned this summer. I've been pretty depressed about that. I've been waiting for an oportunity to tell everyone but on here and facebook will have to do. I simply can't afford it. I will be paying off all debts (not including student ones I'm adding right now) including overdraft instead which I think is more important. I will be able to afford the £72 to update my passport though so maybe Christmas holidays instead? By the time I get my passport back it will be very expensive peak travel times June, July and August and I can't travel as my old name so this year is out.
I haven't heard anything about my laptop refund or extra funding either and that's where the trip money would've come from so it's a no-no right now. I realised it's been six years since I left Plymouth for anything now, that's kinda funny. At least I have two planned road trips coming up, Rogers induction service and the Somerset County Cricket match the chaplaincy has organised. I'm really looking forward to both!
Mum and I have also been to some great places over the Easter holls whilst looking for Bluebells (mum loves them) like Plym Bridge. We've had some nice packed lunches and drives. We're planning on doing the same kind of things during the summer, day trips etc. One in particular will be Kew Gardens, why not have a look at Google Earth?

We have had some wonderful dinners too, lol. This was Easter dinner with Vicky at mums. Mums cooking - yum!

Life has been good and relaxing for a few weeks but all that's got to change back to uni next week 27th. All that's left for this year are exams. If I don't pass them I will spend the summer doing them and then again if I don't pass them I can do them again in September I believe. Worse case scenario re-do the whole year again starting in September which to be honest I would welcome so I'm trying not to worry about the exams. I would like to go to all lectures and practicals right from the start of the year I think it would really benefit me especially when it came to these exams again lol.
I was trying not to moan in this post for once but alas it simply would not be me if I didn't moan or there was no drama. :-D
Oh, speaking of drama, my laptop saved my life today. Now I realise that sounds funny but it's really true. Here is what happened:
My laptop suddenly turned off in the middle of my Spore game (bad times) so I jumped up to check the plug. It was all plugged in and switched on but there was no light where my laptop lead was plugged into my laptop like there normally is. So I check the whole lead for Jynx teeth marks and still nothing. I tried plugging it in another plug socket and still no light and laptop still off.
Wierded out but trying to stay calm, feeling like I want to cry and reassuring myself I have very good insurance, it's no big deal etc etc I walk up and down the flat then decide tv will sooth me. The tv wouldn't go on either. Then I was really happy I thought 'yay it's just my electric has run out' so I skipped to put the key back in the meter for the emergency but then I was gutted to see I still had electric so it wasn't that. I checked every plug in the living room and nothing so then I check the fuse board.
Success! One of the switches is down so I flick it and the tv is on for a second then off one second later and the fuse is gone again. Now really confused and annoyed I can't figure out what's going on I open the kitchen door. Oh my god scarey! The whole kitchen is filled with smoke and the toaster is stuck on with now charcoal ex-toast still on fire in it! I'm such an idiot! Apparently I put toast on? I totally don't remember doing it but I must have and then gone back to play Spore and forgot. My toaster won't stay on by itself so I keep the spring down with a peice of cardboard. The toaster is now totally melted and the kitchen is toxic even with the extractor fan on. Eyes watering and choking I turn off the toaster carefully and get out of there.
I need to check the whole fuses problem. Basically everything in the kitchen stayed on hence the continued fire and toaster on but the fuses in the living room (including the smoke alarm worryingly) are the ones that had gone. That's bizarre. If my laptop had not gone off I would have been sat there, kitchen on fire not noticing for even longer than I actually was.
After a little while I flicked the fuse switch again and with the toaster unplugged everything came back on. I had to try the toaster again to make sure (yeah I know now that I shouldn't have, not exactly safety first am I?) anyways the fuses go again so I leave the toaster unplugged and flip the switch once more, everythings fine, tv comes on and laptop starts charging, few. My spore game wasn't saved, grrr but thankful for small mercies etc.
Glad to be alive I went for a nap on the sofa and woke up way later than I expected at 1am so here I am. The kitchen is still toxic even though the extractor fan has been on for hours it stinks in there, not very pleasant and I can't have toast which sucks as it's pretty much my staple. Oh well, luckily I have some money next week to get a new one which was needed.
I'll write more when I have something to say! Much love to all, hugs xx