Monday, 16 February 2009

I'm very sorry I haven't blogged I don't find it easy to find the time to write about everything I have done. The last few weeks have been hectic I have a lot more going on socially than I ever have before lol. I've been going church on Sundays and to the Christian Union on Tuesday nights as well as the usual Thursdays Discipleship explored, seeing Mumsie and there was a whole week of missions going on in Uni so it's been super busy.
I am still spending all my free time in the Chaplaincy and I am on Facebook all the time it's so addictive and easy to ignore. I just put a status message then I can do what I like and that's fun. I can chat to whoever is around me and still be attentive so I have been catching up with friends I haven't spoken to since school. It's difficult to keep in touch with 148 friends at once!
I also spent a lot of time looking at everyones pictures and videos, then there was downloading and installing World of Warcraft which I played for a few evenings and only got to level 5. I installed all my Sims2 games again and played that a few nights. My wireless internet was a lot more expensive than I thought it would be so unless I am in the wireless places on campus this costs me a lot of money. Facebook I get free with my phone so obviously that is the better option.
Wireless has been put into the chaplaincy but not switched on yet. Wednesdays is my only day off. This Saturday it's Dartmoor again. Will write more when I can. Love ya!

1 comment:

Vicki Davis said...

glad you are doing well!