Vicki I have just read your comment on my last post and it's like woah genius! I wish I had read it sooner!! Yesterday (Friday) I had to fast from midnight and get blood tests done at 8.30am. I went along and got them done and then the nurse said they would let me know the results in a little while. Well I almost felt like crying. I didn't want to be just dismissed again like I was two days before. I told her I was worried about my blood pressure as it was high the other day and I still felt very ill so she agreed to take it again. It was 150/95 which she agreed was high but nearly dismissed because of me needle fobia (I was very well behaved by the way) until I said I can't just go home with no advice or help again. She said if I wasn't careful I would be in to the gp again which I replied would be fine!! I made another appointment for 30 minutes time and came home to have some breakfast.
I had brown granary bread and scrambled eggs with a cup of tea then worried if I had ate the right thing but went back for my gp's appointment. I went in and the gp asked me all the usual questions, took my blood pressure - much of the same. Almost the exact same appointment as two days previously urine sample etc with a slight difference - this gp actually listened to me! After she tested my urine sample she rushed me back into the nurse to test my blood sugar because she found those thingies beginning with L. It was 14.8. This was apparently important because she then called the hospital and booked me in!!! Only after she had talked to them did she explain anything to me but I had overheard her conversation anyway.
I went home, letter for the hospital in hand and called my mum who said she'd be with me in a few minutes to take me to the hospital, she is such a star. I packed an overnight bag (essential stuff like ipod, nintendo ds, phone charger, jammies etc lol) then mum arrived and off we went. Mum parked the car while I went in. An arm bracelet i.d thing and papaerwork was all waiting for me as soon as I got there which sort of freaked me out. I was taken down to a waiting room and then mum joined me. It was all a bit fast like I was just an observer of someone else's life.
I had a really lovely gp come and talk to me. She took my blood sugar again which had now risen to 16.5 and took my blood pressure. I don't remember what it was but it was high obviously. She took blood for blood tests and put in one of those tubes for drips just in case. I sat with mum for a little while in the waiting room and then a diabetic consultant came by to chat to me. I was told I was diabetic, 99.9% sure it's type 2. He said that even though I had some of those thingies beginning with L in my urine that it wasn't a problem as I had 1% of something else. It was all too much information for me to take in especially as I still had that horrible migrain. He explained diet and exercise accompanied by some leaflets and said I could go home. I have to see my gp on Monday. Ok there was a lot more than that but you know more than me, lol.
Mum and I went in town briefly afterwards so that I could get Liz and Keiths anniversary pressies and card then I have been home resting ever since. I took my first Metformin tablet this evening after getting my prescription around the corner of my house. I wasn't sure what to have for dinner I have been scared to eat anything for weeks but I figured I can't feel much worse. I had rice, peas, butterbeans, macarel fillets and salad. It was actually very tasty. After a nap I felt well for the first time in 3 weeks. It didn't last though. As soon as I had got up and walked around a bit my headache returned. I've had a cup of tea, read Holly Daze commented and wrote this blog, enough to feel sleepy again. I have to get the 8.18am train to Falmouth so more rest is a good idea.
I'll have lots to write about the anniversary party tomorrow with pics of the train journey etc. It didn't occur to me today to take pics. I'm hoping I will be ok, last time I went to Falmouth to see Liz and Keith as soon as I got there I freaked out and called Vicki. It is where Arif and I used to live and I never go there the place makes me sad. I think as it's years later I will feel better this time. I'm really looking forward to seeing them so trying to focus on that. Maybe I shouldn't be going but I can rest on the train I will have a bed there I can go off to if I feel bad and I will feel worse at home missing it. I have had my train tickets for weeks.
I'm off to sleep, love and hugs as ever xxxx
Friday, 15 May 2009
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Wednesday 13th May 2009
Wow I can't believe how quickly time flies, I totally didn't realise it had been so long since my last blog, I thought I was doing well at keeping it up to date. My bad, sigh.
Well, I am planning this blog to be short and sweet but I know that never happens once I start I find all this stuff I wanted to say.

Since the last time I blogged, hmm, where to start. I revised obviously and back at uni have seen all my friends so that's been nice. I took myself off to the cinema at some point to see Xmen Origins. I felt really ill whilst I was in watching the film, about three quarters of the way into the film I started feeling really hot and quite unwell. Migrain and unable to cool down. I sat forward and used my slushie drink on my neck but still felt drowsy and wierd. Thought no more of it and went home.
On 5th May the Tuesday I spent the morning in the chaplaincy with Rob revising then had my Biology exam in the afternoon, this went badly at first as I had to ask someone to take me to the room I had my exam in. When I got there (in a panic) my name wasn't on the door with everyone elses. I had no desk, no papers etc singling me out which I hate. The guy in charge made me stand at the front of the room keeping everyone else waiting and they all stared at me. Sweat dripped down my back and I felt a migrain coming on. He then went off to get my papers while I stood up at the board being stared at nowhere to go. He finally came back and everyone started their exam 10 minutes late.

Once I had got over my initial panic I was still having hot flushes and palpatations for the whole of the exam and couldn't really concentrate but did my best. I didn't answer every question and am not sure how I did. All my clothes were soaked by the time I got out and I rushed to the nearest toilet where I changed and washed to cool down. Everyone was meeting up for a drink afterwards but Vicky and I went to get pizza in Pizza Hut instead, preferring comfort eating instead of alcohol. Vicky went off after the pizza to meet up with Marc and Lucy in Voodoo but I felt so full and still a bit wierdy that I went home.
Thursday was our stats exam. I never went to these lectures so I knew this one was going to be a waste of time. I went in the chaplaincy beforehand and chilled. I was feeling wierdly hot again but didn't think much of it. I went panicking as usual to my exam. This time I had a desk number 1 actually right at the front and as I walked in the lady made sure I knew I had more time than anyone else and if I had any problems blah blah, singled out again - great! I basically doodled and messed about until I could leave. This time I had brought clean clothes, deo spray etc and went and got changed before going back to the chaplaincy.
In what was christianity explored and then discipleship explored now extended kindly by David to revelation chapters 1-5 explored we discussed Revelation and had a wonderful meal of spaghetti bolognaise with garlic bread, cheesecake and apple pie with custard for dessert. The discussions were really quite good and for the first time it was light outside when we left and not raining - a sure sign summer is on it's way!
Friday morning I was feeling really rough again, tired and weak but restless so went in town shopping. I bought some books - Twilight and New Moon by Stephenie Meyer recommended by Rob, Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer and a book called The Believers for my neighbour Heidi. After that I went to the chaplaincy, too late for bible brunch unfortunately.
Rob came in for a while then we went to his room in halls to listen to music. He got changed into his New Rock boots and new grungy trousers then we went in town. I bought some razor earings for my first holes and handcuff earings for my second. I then got some more black nail varnish as mine was all dried up. I got some black grungy denim shorts and a bicycle chain to hang off them from the pocket. We then had kfc before going back to the book shop. I wanted to show Rob the fantasy section which is rather good and I was told my friend Sarah-Jayne was working in the afternoon so wanted to say hi to her. We saw her in there and chatted for ages. She recommended Dark Lover by J.R.Ward so I bought that too. (which I am reading now it's fab!)
After the book shop I was feeling exhausted and boiling hot I didn't quite know why. I felt like I needed a nap and as we were going out that night I decided to go home for a bit even though the plan was to go back to Robs and listen to music I just had to rest instead. I spent the rest of the afternoon/evening chilling on facebook pretty much not mving off my sofa and cooling down. When the time came I changed and went to meet Rob in Voodoo. We had a few drinks there with the rest of the Roc Soc then all walked down to C103's for rock night. I don't mind telling you that I felt wierd and tired walking down to the club. I lagged behind all the way, overheating and sweating I put it down to being so overweight and that much older than everyone else.

I won't go into too much detail about the rest of the night I want to cut this short and get to bed, basically I drank vodka redbulls and J.D n cokes. Rob danced lots, I met up with Lukie, Allan and Lisa which was fab. The music was great, a good time was had by all and I was utterly exhausted earlier than usual and went home before closing which I have never done in my life! Good times though!

I felt wierd at home, like I was drunk but not drunk. Sort of like my head was on fire and I was dizzy and confused. I laid down but felt worse so stood up again and walked around the flat. Eventually I was so tired that I fell asleep on the sofa watching Ally McBeal.

Saturday I felt weak and lethargic but also really unsettled, just unwell really. I spent the day just relaxing doing housework and not much to report. I put it down to being old and recovering from the night before even though I hadn't got drunk and have never felt bad before.
Sunday was more fun, I woke up early feeling still a bit wierd but more like gasping for air than hot but still wierd and uncomfortable. I got dressed and took myself for a 6am walk around where I live in Mount Wise.

It was very pretty and about to be a lovely day so it should've been nice but I felt unwell and laboured all the way. I put it down to being so overweight and thought the exercise probably would have done me good. When I got home I felt so hot and dizzy and sick that I had a shower and sat in shorts and vest with all my wondows open. My wet hair helped me to cool down and feel better then I had to get out of the flat again so at 9am I went to go to the carboot sale down the road

I text mum as I walked down the hill and she was awake so I hopped on the bus to go to her place so we could go to the carboot sale together. We got down to the carboot in pretty good time and it was packed. I had already decided that I was going to buy a bike if I saw one as I had been feeling so ill all week I wanted to lose weight and get fit to feel better, the time had come to do something.
Wierd how things happen when you think back but I had taken £30 with me. I saw and bought two bikes, one for me and one for mumsie which the guy did a deal on for just £24. Bargain. Mum and I rode around the park a bit like kids before bringing the bikes back to mine. I fitted some water bottles on to them and locked them up in my hallway. We then went to Halfords to look for a bike carrier for the back of the car. They were too expensive though. We had pasties (possibly my last for a long time) then came home. Mum had to babysit that night.

I had planned to call my friends Paul and Carly and see if it was ok to go over there Sunday night but I was feeling rough again so stayed in and chilled on the sofa playing Sims 2 as usual if I'm feeling poorly or rough that's the game I choose. I've played it for such a long time now I don't need to use my brain much which is what I felt like doing. I have all the addons and stuffs (16 in total, 8 addons and 8 stuffs) so it's still never boring. This time I was building a country mansion with extensive grounds modelled on a mansion I saw on the programme Grand Designs. I digress!
Monday much of the same, feeling ill, revising and chilling etc. Tuesday was yesterday my chemistry exam and last exam. It went rather well. Not half as bad as I expected and I think I did alright. Afterwards my friend Nick and I went to see if he can transfer from Extended Science onto a History degree in september instead which looks promising then we went to chat to our tutor. I asked about re-doing the year and he said it's up to the board I will find out my options in August but will probably be redoing exams in the summer if not redoing the whole year. I will only have to redo subjects I didn't pass which will be maths and stats only I hope.
I met Vicky in the chaplaincy once her exam had finished and we chatted for a while, joining in with the lunch with everyone. At 4pm when it closed I walked to my bus stop and went to mums for tea. I was feeling really ill by this point like I was burning up. I had a really bad migrain and had to strip to try to cool as my head felt like it would erupt. I really enjoyed my meal but felt so poorly that I had to leave early and go home. I stopped in at the coop shop next to my house and was buying water when I felt like I would faint or fall asleep so I rushed home.
I lay on my sofa most of the night not feeling like going to the bed and napping and waking all night feeling very rough indeed. As early as possible this morning I called the doctor and got an appointment asap. Walking over to the docs I wasn't sure what I was going to say was wrong with me and explaining it was almost impossible. The doctor was unsure what I was in for until I said I had been very thirsty.
He made me go off and do a urine sample which came back possitive for sugar and protein then took my blood pressure which apparently was dangerously high. He even said he was surprised I wasn't ill to which I replied I was!! I explained the migrains and the hot fushes, palpatations, weakness etc etc. He said I may have diabetes and he's booked me in for a blood test which I have to fast for beforehand. Once that is done I will know more but my blood pressure was 155 over something I didn't hear which is bad. (?) He sent me home worried sick not knowing what to do to improve my situation and told me just to rest.
I've spent the day pretty much not resting enough, worried sick, feeling rough, weak and crappy. I did spend some time down Heidis (my neighbour) which was nice because I had my mind taken off things for a little while. It was lovely to hold Daisy who is now 3 months old. I've mostly chilled on facebook etc today playing Bejeweled Blitz and having company without having company. Mum did say I could go over hers but I barely made it to the docs or the coop today so didn't go.
Sam and Toni did pop over to Heidis to use the phone for taking Smokey (Jynx's auntie) to the vets foaming at the mouth and possibly having fits. Don't know if no news is good news but neither Heidi or I have heard from them since even though they said they would be right over to tell us what happened so fingers crossed. They invited me over theirs which I didn't feel I should go either. Heidi was very welcoming but I felt like I wanted to be home, not alone but at least home and noone came over mine so I was alone but for the cats. Monty knows I am not well as he has been Mr.Clingy all week not leaving my side for a second and unable to sleep unless at least his paw is on me. What he doesn't realise is that he makes me even hotter!! Bless.

Oh yeah almost forgot, the runner beans I started as just little beans in pots all that time ago are now beasts, I repotted them this morning before I went to the doctors.

I took pics of around my house too this week, view from the bus stop looking back at my place and the building going on in my street.

Feeling really sleepy now, love you lots and I'll write again soon! xxxxx
Well, I am planning this blog to be short and sweet but I know that never happens once I start I find all this stuff I wanted to say.

Since the last time I blogged, hmm, where to start. I revised obviously and back at uni have seen all my friends so that's been nice. I took myself off to the cinema at some point to see Xmen Origins. I felt really ill whilst I was in watching the film, about three quarters of the way into the film I started feeling really hot and quite unwell. Migrain and unable to cool down. I sat forward and used my slushie drink on my neck but still felt drowsy and wierd. Thought no more of it and went home.
On 5th May the Tuesday I spent the morning in the chaplaincy with Rob revising then had my Biology exam in the afternoon, this went badly at first as I had to ask someone to take me to the room I had my exam in. When I got there (in a panic) my name wasn't on the door with everyone elses. I had no desk, no papers etc singling me out which I hate. The guy in charge made me stand at the front of the room keeping everyone else waiting and they all stared at me. Sweat dripped down my back and I felt a migrain coming on. He then went off to get my papers while I stood up at the board being stared at nowhere to go. He finally came back and everyone started their exam 10 minutes late.

Once I had got over my initial panic I was still having hot flushes and palpatations for the whole of the exam and couldn't really concentrate but did my best. I didn't answer every question and am not sure how I did. All my clothes were soaked by the time I got out and I rushed to the nearest toilet where I changed and washed to cool down. Everyone was meeting up for a drink afterwards but Vicky and I went to get pizza in Pizza Hut instead, preferring comfort eating instead of alcohol. Vicky went off after the pizza to meet up with Marc and Lucy in Voodoo but I felt so full and still a bit wierdy that I went home.
Thursday was our stats exam. I never went to these lectures so I knew this one was going to be a waste of time. I went in the chaplaincy beforehand and chilled. I was feeling wierdly hot again but didn't think much of it. I went panicking as usual to my exam. This time I had a desk number 1 actually right at the front and as I walked in the lady made sure I knew I had more time than anyone else and if I had any problems blah blah, singled out again - great! I basically doodled and messed about until I could leave. This time I had brought clean clothes, deo spray etc and went and got changed before going back to the chaplaincy.
In what was christianity explored and then discipleship explored now extended kindly by David to revelation chapters 1-5 explored we discussed Revelation and had a wonderful meal of spaghetti bolognaise with garlic bread, cheesecake and apple pie with custard for dessert. The discussions were really quite good and for the first time it was light outside when we left and not raining - a sure sign summer is on it's way!
Friday morning I was feeling really rough again, tired and weak but restless so went in town shopping. I bought some books - Twilight and New Moon by Stephenie Meyer recommended by Rob, Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer and a book called The Believers for my neighbour Heidi. After that I went to the chaplaincy, too late for bible brunch unfortunately.
Rob came in for a while then we went to his room in halls to listen to music. He got changed into his New Rock boots and new grungy trousers then we went in town. I bought some razor earings for my first holes and handcuff earings for my second. I then got some more black nail varnish as mine was all dried up. I got some black grungy denim shorts and a bicycle chain to hang off them from the pocket. We then had kfc before going back to the book shop. I wanted to show Rob the fantasy section which is rather good and I was told my friend Sarah-Jayne was working in the afternoon so wanted to say hi to her. We saw her in there and chatted for ages. She recommended Dark Lover by J.R.Ward so I bought that too. (which I am reading now it's fab!)
After the book shop I was feeling exhausted and boiling hot I didn't quite know why. I felt like I needed a nap and as we were going out that night I decided to go home for a bit even though the plan was to go back to Robs and listen to music I just had to rest instead. I spent the rest of the afternoon/evening chilling on facebook pretty much not mving off my sofa and cooling down. When the time came I changed and went to meet Rob in Voodoo. We had a few drinks there with the rest of the Roc Soc then all walked down to C103's for rock night. I don't mind telling you that I felt wierd and tired walking down to the club. I lagged behind all the way, overheating and sweating I put it down to being so overweight and that much older than everyone else.

I won't go into too much detail about the rest of the night I want to cut this short and get to bed, basically I drank vodka redbulls and J.D n cokes. Rob danced lots, I met up with Lukie, Allan and Lisa which was fab. The music was great, a good time was had by all and I was utterly exhausted earlier than usual and went home before closing which I have never done in my life! Good times though!

I felt wierd at home, like I was drunk but not drunk. Sort of like my head was on fire and I was dizzy and confused. I laid down but felt worse so stood up again and walked around the flat. Eventually I was so tired that I fell asleep on the sofa watching Ally McBeal.

Saturday I felt weak and lethargic but also really unsettled, just unwell really. I spent the day just relaxing doing housework and not much to report. I put it down to being old and recovering from the night before even though I hadn't got drunk and have never felt bad before.
Sunday was more fun, I woke up early feeling still a bit wierd but more like gasping for air than hot but still wierd and uncomfortable. I got dressed and took myself for a 6am walk around where I live in Mount Wise.

It was very pretty and about to be a lovely day so it should've been nice but I felt unwell and laboured all the way. I put it down to being so overweight and thought the exercise probably would have done me good. When I got home I felt so hot and dizzy and sick that I had a shower and sat in shorts and vest with all my wondows open. My wet hair helped me to cool down and feel better then I had to get out of the flat again so at 9am I went to go to the carboot sale down the road

I text mum as I walked down the hill and she was awake so I hopped on the bus to go to her place so we could go to the carboot sale together. We got down to the carboot in pretty good time and it was packed. I had already decided that I was going to buy a bike if I saw one as I had been feeling so ill all week I wanted to lose weight and get fit to feel better, the time had come to do something.
Wierd how things happen when you think back but I had taken £30 with me. I saw and bought two bikes, one for me and one for mumsie which the guy did a deal on for just £24. Bargain. Mum and I rode around the park a bit like kids before bringing the bikes back to mine. I fitted some water bottles on to them and locked them up in my hallway. We then went to Halfords to look for a bike carrier for the back of the car. They were too expensive though. We had pasties (possibly my last for a long time) then came home. Mum had to babysit that night.

I had planned to call my friends Paul and Carly and see if it was ok to go over there Sunday night but I was feeling rough again so stayed in and chilled on the sofa playing Sims 2 as usual if I'm feeling poorly or rough that's the game I choose. I've played it for such a long time now I don't need to use my brain much which is what I felt like doing. I have all the addons and stuffs (16 in total, 8 addons and 8 stuffs) so it's still never boring. This time I was building a country mansion with extensive grounds modelled on a mansion I saw on the programme Grand Designs. I digress!
Monday much of the same, feeling ill, revising and chilling etc. Tuesday was yesterday my chemistry exam and last exam. It went rather well. Not half as bad as I expected and I think I did alright. Afterwards my friend Nick and I went to see if he can transfer from Extended Science onto a History degree in september instead which looks promising then we went to chat to our tutor. I asked about re-doing the year and he said it's up to the board I will find out my options in August but will probably be redoing exams in the summer if not redoing the whole year. I will only have to redo subjects I didn't pass which will be maths and stats only I hope.
I met Vicky in the chaplaincy once her exam had finished and we chatted for a while, joining in with the lunch with everyone. At 4pm when it closed I walked to my bus stop and went to mums for tea. I was feeling really ill by this point like I was burning up. I had a really bad migrain and had to strip to try to cool as my head felt like it would erupt. I really enjoyed my meal but felt so poorly that I had to leave early and go home. I stopped in at the coop shop next to my house and was buying water when I felt like I would faint or fall asleep so I rushed home.
I lay on my sofa most of the night not feeling like going to the bed and napping and waking all night feeling very rough indeed. As early as possible this morning I called the doctor and got an appointment asap. Walking over to the docs I wasn't sure what I was going to say was wrong with me and explaining it was almost impossible. The doctor was unsure what I was in for until I said I had been very thirsty.
He made me go off and do a urine sample which came back possitive for sugar and protein then took my blood pressure which apparently was dangerously high. He even said he was surprised I wasn't ill to which I replied I was!! I explained the migrains and the hot fushes, palpatations, weakness etc etc. He said I may have diabetes and he's booked me in for a blood test which I have to fast for beforehand. Once that is done I will know more but my blood pressure was 155 over something I didn't hear which is bad. (?) He sent me home worried sick not knowing what to do to improve my situation and told me just to rest.
I've spent the day pretty much not resting enough, worried sick, feeling rough, weak and crappy. I did spend some time down Heidis (my neighbour) which was nice because I had my mind taken off things for a little while. It was lovely to hold Daisy who is now 3 months old. I've mostly chilled on facebook etc today playing Bejeweled Blitz and having company without having company. Mum did say I could go over hers but I barely made it to the docs or the coop today so didn't go.
Sam and Toni did pop over to Heidis to use the phone for taking Smokey (Jynx's auntie) to the vets foaming at the mouth and possibly having fits. Don't know if no news is good news but neither Heidi or I have heard from them since even though they said they would be right over to tell us what happened so fingers crossed. They invited me over theirs which I didn't feel I should go either. Heidi was very welcoming but I felt like I wanted to be home, not alone but at least home and noone came over mine so I was alone but for the cats. Monty knows I am not well as he has been Mr.Clingy all week not leaving my side for a second and unable to sleep unless at least his paw is on me. What he doesn't realise is that he makes me even hotter!! Bless.

Oh yeah almost forgot, the runner beans I started as just little beans in pots all that time ago are now beasts, I repotted them this morning before I went to the doctors.

I took pics of around my house too this week, view from the bus stop looking back at my place and the building going on in my street.

Feeling really sleepy now, love you lots and I'll write again soon! xxxxx
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