I can't believe I haven't written in here since Wednesday after promising to be more up to date - sorry. Thursday morning early I had a biology lecture it was a great one too, all about the Krebs cycle and cell respiration, brilliant stuff. I went to the Chaplaincy straight after my first lecture to see David. When I arrived he was just going over to the Uni shop to get the papers and invited me along.
When we got back I set up my laptop on the table. Tallon was in playing the guitar. He is fab, he plays all my favourite stuff Vicki you would love it I wish you could hear him.
Vicky was not in she had sent me a text saying she was ill but I wasn't convinced I was sure she was depressed about Manny so I persuaded her to come into Uni and sit with me in the Chaplaincy. She came in and I managed to cheer her right up, we looked at Monty Python clips on You Tube on my laptop. We were giggling so badly.
We had another lecture in the afternoon that followed on from the one we had this morning explaining in greater detail the same principles. I really enjoyed this lecture a lot. This is the only lecture I enjoy actually and it's only 2 hours a week out of my time. I hate the other classes soooooo much :-( biology keeps me going though because I love it so and I need this course for my entry onto my biology degree. Sigh.
After our lecture it was back to the chaplaincy where Vicky and I continued our giggling watching YouTube clips. I also installed itunes and was pissed off to see I might lose all my files on my ipod. Today I did lose most of them and that was one thing out of many many things that pissed me off today and last night. More of that later.
Our last christianity explored session was before christmas so we weren't sure if we were going to continue, I don't remember if I wrote about that session but David and Amy fell out a bit that time so none of us were sure if the sessions would continue after that. Anyway they have continued and will be continued for another 8 weeks at least - yay! We had jacket potatoes and something new and very very nice - Boston Beans. I have never had this before and absolutely loved it, very impressed. David's wife is a superb cook. Oh I met her Thursday too in the morning she came into the Chaplaincy to bring in the beans, she is a lovely person very sweet.
After the meal we watched a video called "Why do we suffer?" then we chatted about it for a little while after. It was very thought provoking. I got home about 9pm totally exhausted after such a long day. I hadn't slept well with the cats fighting and I had got the 8am bus so I fell asleep almost as soon as I was home which is why I didn't blog. Friday morning I met Vicky in the Chaplaincy, I had got into Uni late as I had over slept (lovely to finally get some sleep at last Jynx in bathroom) so I had missed Bible brunch which I was sad about. Usually we have John but Amy was doing it this time as a one off she had put a lot of effort into it too, bought some snacks, prepared, I felt very bad but had been so tired. Tallon was the only one there. Sigh.
Vicky and I were supposed to go to statistics but neither of wanted to and in the end we didn't. It was an optional tutorial and we decided we had understood everything ok in the lecture on Monday so we went shopping instead. Vicky got a warm coat for Dartmoor and I got Gortex base layer t-shirts for mum and I. I also picked up a small black and pink backpack, heat pads for hands and a compass - thermometer.
For Vickys birthday we went to Buffet City. The food was utterly gorgeous as ever. I have pics but can't upload them, another thing that pissed me off today more later. After buffet city we met up with Lisa in the Voodoo Lounge our usual Friday haunt. Dave was also there (not to be confused with David from the Chaplaincy or David Harwood my tutor) a guy on my course a mutual friend of mine and Allans and has Jynx's brother Jeff, bought him for his girlfriend for Christmas so sweet. We had a few pints then I left in a taxi when Lisas friend Emma arrived. I think Vicky probably left very soon after and Lisa had a night out with Emma all planned.
Saturday morning and the weather was perfect. Sunny but still cold and crisp. I put on my blister saver socks, then my hiking socks, then my base t-shirt my fleece and my double layer trousers. Dartmoor is freezing all year but especially cruel in the winter. I packed all my gear, flask of tea, salad sarnies and sesame snaps for mum and I, my hip flask of vodka (also bought on friday I forgot), my hat, gloves, scarf and asthma inhalers. I crucially forgot my walking poles though and the inside fleece liner of my jacket like a dumb ass. Monty in the bathroom I met mum outside mine and we got the bus to Uni.
Once there it was the normal international bunch all milling around the mini bus. Trevor and his dog Bea were there as usual and David of course but this time we had Jonny there too with his two children Joseph and Samuel who looked a lot like our Samuel, very cute kids. I think Joseph was about 9 maybe and Samuel 6. There were a lot of people from Iran this time and they were lovely, very talkative and attentive. One lady really liked my mum walking nearly half the walk with us. We had a fabulous walk, mum did so well I was very impressed. I never thought she would ever make it up a place called Sheepstor it was such a steep hill with such a cold wind. Three quarters of the way up she nearly gave in despite my encouragement but David is such a sweety, he dropped back and helped my mum to calm right down and got her to the top. The rest of the walk was down the hill then flat around the reservoir and she was soooo pleased with herself that she had made it. Bless.
A scramble over rocks and we were down the other side of Sheepstor. David led the way and Trevor dropped back. We were on some pretty rough ground and some boggy ground before we got to the road and I got my foot emerged in mud, I sank both feet, couldn't move, toppled forward and fell face first into the mud. It was so humiliating. You've been framed would have definitely paid me for that. After a bit of a giggle we were on the road and the Iranian lady chatted with my mum until we got back to the minibus.
Back in Plymouth mum and I were naughty and went to Fat Mammas which is the only Burger shop worth going to. Their food is divine. Mum and I both had beer-battered fries and I had a swiss burger, sauted mushrooms, swiss cheese and salad. It was all wonderful. We shopped a bit then went home. Last night I wrote an email to Angel after I finally noticed I had an email from her. It took some time. I then dragged an old tumble dryer out of my cupboard which I haven't used and has been in there for at least two years. When I turned it on it set on fire. Smoke billowed out of my kitchen and I couldn't see how to get to where it was coming from which was inside the drum I think.
I panicked and flew around the flat looking for inspiration. I didn't find any so threw a cup of water in the drum and flicked the tumble dryer on to spin the drum. It worked the fire was out then the really smelly smoke rose - yuk. I was pretty shook up. This upset Jynx who then went to pee on the sofa right in front of me!!!!! I was horrified and grabbed him off the sofa, he actually then started to pee, I grabbed him and went to take him into the bathroom and from behind Monty savaged me!
When I say savaged I really mean it I was in agony and blood poured from my leg all down my leg, over my socks and on the carpet for ages. I wrestled him into the cat basket and shut the door on Jynx in the bathroom. My leg was badly hurt. I don't know what had got into Monty I guess I must have scared him. I was in agony. His teeth had sunk right into my calf muscle. I can't show you the pics because I can't upload them from my phone, I don't know why but the Nokia programme or the USB cable is playing up. I have buffet city pics, Dartmoor and my leg pics. I cleaned my wounds for ages until the blood stopped by which time the shock had worn off and I was tired. I applied antiseptic cream and dressings then went to sleep to Scrubs season 1 on my laptop in bed.
This morning I didn't want to get up at all. I was supposed to be going to church today but couldn't go (new places, people) anyways I went in town instead. I bought a laminated map of Dartmoor incase mum and I want to go more often (I hope so) and a much bigger flask as now mum comes too I got a lot less tea, lol. I bought an electric water pick for my teeth and lots of dressing stuff, antiseptic wipes, dressing pads and tape. I bought some gifts for a few friends in Hotel Chocolate, peeked at the new stuff in build-a bear then I sat and had a stupidly huge caramel flavoured Latte which was heavenly before getting a bus to mums.
At mums I tried in vain to save all my ipod files. I got the music onto cd's but couldn't get my films or programmes onto dvd's so I lost Prison Break season 3 and 4, GBH seasons 1-3, Iron Man, Phone Jacker season 1 and Dirty Sanchez. All I have is my music :-( This deeply upset me and then it all came flooding out. I installed mums ipod and lost all her files too so then I was snappy with mum until I cried and moaned that the cats and my flat are getting me down. Mumsie to the rescue we came to my flat and mum helped me start to clean it up. We tidied and organised my flat. The whole flat needs spring cleaning and I can't do it all by myself. I've been too stressed out at home with the cats I have put the cleaning off having to constantly babysit the cats takes it's toll.
After such a crappy day, this evening after mum left I've just been reading and blogging on here. It's now nearly 2am and I have a 9am statistics lecture so I am off to bed. Jynx is in the bathroom tonight. My leg is so sore, stiff and swolen with horrible black scabs :-(
Tomorrow is Blue Monday but it can't get worse than today, surely??
The new Jason Miraz album is out tomorrow and it is only £4, rude not to buy. It's my worse day subject wise though, stats and maths - kill me now!