Time flies by so quickly I hardly noticed it has been over a week since I posted a blog and I was trying to stay up to date too! Oh well. I've been so ill this week I had three days where all I really did was chat with people on Facebook and keep up to date with my games. I had my hair cut and as promised took some pics.

Tuesday Vicky and I sat in the chaplaincy and chatted with Kev Blake. I wasn't feeling too well though and didn't go back as planned for the event in the evening.

Wednesday all day I was proper ill and spent most of my time just facebooking but I did pop down and see Heidi and the girls a few times. Thursday I was feeling a little better but still stayed home to rest. My mum came over and I cooked a stew. I have pictures but don't want to traumatise you so I'll just put them on Facebook where you can avoid them. Later in the evening Katie brough Sam over for a little visit while she went down her friend Andreas who lives right near me.

Friday I was ill again and stayed home all day resting and napping. Saturday I felt better and wanted some fresh air after being cooped up so met Vicky in town for a little shopping. She bought some cooking things, I got another t-shirt, this one was black with Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Elvis, Jim Morrison and a few others on the front saying Legends. With my very handy student discount of 20% it was only £4.80 which I was very impressed with!

Saturdays are always crazy busy in town and this week we had a farmers market to add to the chaos but I was actually ok with it and had a really good time. Vicky and I went to a little cafe and had some lunch which I forgot to photograph then we continued shopping, ending up in the christian book shop that we love.

We spent hours in there, going through and checking out almost everything on offer. It's such a cute little shop above another shop tucked away and fun to browse. Vicky bought a wrist band and an inspirational poster and I bought a book written by the Bishop of Durham on Marks Gospel, a daily inspirational book and a New Testament. I have many different versions of the bible but none that I would want to write in so even though I have many New Testaments I wanted one to cross reference and write notes on whilst reading the 'Mark for Everyone' book. I've really been enjoying these books so The Lost Symbol is on the shelf for now. I did read a few pages of it on the bus when I bought it though and what I read was very good!

On Sunday I went to mumsies and we had cottage pie before she had to go and babysit my stepsisters children.

It was nice to be out of the flat even though I wasn't feeling very well at all. Good to see mum and get a change of scene, the cottage pie was gorgeous too! Monday I was feeling worse then ever and stayed home from Uni. By then I knew I had Bronchitus at least as I just couldn't stop my barking cough for even a minute and my inhalers were barely working anymore. I spent the day chatting on Facebook inbetween naps and slowly got worse and worse as the night went on, developing a severe pain all down my right side. By the morning I couldn't bare the pain and went down to Heidis to phone the doctors. I had really scared myself by then and was thinking the worst that I might have pneumonia so got as early an appointment as I could.

Daisy was in a great little mood that day, she was very good at cheering me up. I went to the doctors even though I was thinking I should go to the hospital and I'm glad I did because she said it was indeed just Bronchitus and I had probably just strained my muscles coughing but to come back if it got any worse. She prescribed me some much stronger antibiotics than the ones I had the week before, some Ibruprofen for the pain and a stronger inhaler for the 'rattle' in my chest.

I layed on the sofa most of the rest of the day feeling sorry for myself and nearly coughing up a lung, lol. The cats kept me company though. Tuesday was much of the same although I wasn't so tired and the Ibruprofen was working enough for me to get back on Facebook and not feel quite as lonely. I chatted with Vicky who kindly offered to come over and asked me if I needed anything from the shop etc. She said everyone was missing me in Uni which made me a little sad. I had promised to be in that day but just wasn't well enough. I was up very late that night as I found it hard to settle and go to sleep so I kept getting back up. I chatted with Angel for a little while which was nice so I was then glad I had stayed up late enough to catch her. Today Vicky came over to see how I was and to be honest I have been feeling much better. The antibiotics must be very strong and the Ibruprofen is perfect. I wasn't quite up to going out still but I made a sausage casserole and we watched Scrubs, Friends, Judge Judy and chatted, it was lovely.

She really cheered me up. I seem to now be a lot better, only coughing every so often and not as bad. The combination of strong tablets, good company, plenty of rest and decent food seems to have worked a treat. It is now 3am Thursday and I think I am well enough to go into Uni today which is great as I have Maths which I don't want to miss then this evening it is the first Christianity Explored of the new study year so I would have been sad to miss that too!
I will definitely take pictures even if I don't manage to blog so that I can catch up later. As long as I'm going to be in Uni today I will anyways otherwise the pictures will all be too samey, lol. Much love xxxxx